Chester Zoo: Autumn Trail 2024

Health and Safety Induction

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Section 1

Introduction and Overview

Welcome to the onsite induction for the Autumn Trail 2024 at Chester Zoo.

This safety induction is provided for staff and contractors working on site during the build (and derig) phases of the project.

The induction will outline the key safety information relevant to working on site, including site rules, emergency contact information, and required PPE some of which is Mandatory

Wild Rumpus will ensure that all staff, operatives, and visitors have received a site safety induction before going onto site. The use of visual accreditation such as an access badge is to be worn at all times whilst on the Zoo premises. A copy of the site rules is to be given to every person who has a site induction.

Once you have read and understood the induction, please follow the link at the end of this presentation to confirm. A live list of persons completing the induction will be held by the production and zoo site team. You MUST read and confirm you understand the content before you are permitted to work on site.

For details regarding schedules and daily works, please contact the site manager.

Public are on site between 1000 and 1700. You must take this into consideration when planning your work.

Risk assessments and method statements (RAMS) must be submitted and be specific for the work taking place

Project Coordination to be undertaken by Wild Rumpus.

Key CDM roles include:

  • Chester Zoo who are the Client, in association with
  • Wild Rumpus - Principal Designer / Contractor and

ESS Consultants -Advisor to the Wild Rumpus.

During the construction phase, all staff working at the Zoo are responsible for the safety management of their staff and sub-contractors. In addition, the site activity will also be monitored by the Site Manager from Wild Rumpus.

Key Contacts

The Site Manager and Production Manager from Wild Rumpus will be on site for all safety related concerns.

Their contact details are:

Greg Akehurst:

Mobile 07931 518485


The advisory consultants to Wild Rumpus is ESS Consultants.  Their details are:

ESS Consultants:

Lead Project Advisor Ben Harding

Phone 0151 315 1801


Chester Zoo key contacts

Security - 01244 389 440

First Aid - 07795 240 153

Duty / Event Manager - 0787 652 2119

Site Rules

Whilst working on site at the zoo, you must adhere to the site rules which are designed to keep you, your staff, members of public and, other people safe.

This zoo is open to the public daily, at set times. You must ensure that you are planning your work and that your installation / task method statement and risk assessment is adhered to.

You must isolate your work area from unauthorised access, including children.

The site rules are outlined in the relevant sections below.

Please ensure you read them carefully, understand the rules that are in place and ensure you follow them whilst working on site.

Access Routes and Welfare Provisions

Vehicle access to the zoo is via the Gatehouse, or via the main gate.

All vehicle movements must be requested and planned between Wild Rumpus and Chester Zoo.

All Vehicles must be off site before 0945.

Welfare and W.C. provisions are available to staff working at the Zoo. These are noted on the below plan.

Welfare access during build and derig

Welfare access during build and derig

In addition to vehicle movement restrictions and public opening hours, there is a weight limit on one of the access bridges. All vehicle drops and routes are planned away from these areas however, if you intend to drive a van larger than a LWB sprinter (or similar) onto site, you must discuss your route with the Production Manger.

Vehicle access is either via the Gatehouse or Main Entrance (main entrance access via a key which the Guest Experience team hold).

Vehicle equipment and tool drops are at:

Boat Jetty + Blacksmiths workshops, both labelled on the site plan with vehicle access routes from each shown in yellow 

Rest of site access - routes we would take vehicle show in yellow and shown in further detail in install RAMS.

Section 2

Plant, MEWPS, Vehicles and Trailers

If you intend to operate plant, vehicles or trailers, you must ensure you are adhering to the site rules:

  • If you are operating any other type of plant, you must hold the relevant license and have shared with the PC before attending site and have it available for the Production Manager to check.
  • Access to the site is via the Gatehouse entrance of the Zoo. 
  • Crew, contractor and deliveries to site to use this entrance
  • Site speed limit is 5mph
  • Vehicle access is not permitted during public open times. Vehicles must be driven into and around the zoo with beacons active where installed. Hazard lights must NOT be used when moving.
  • All vehicles to park at the designated areas, outlined by the Zoo.
  • Offloading activities to take place in designated areas as authorised by the Zoo and Site Manager.

Public Pedestrian Access

Pedestrians will be present when the Zoo is open.

Large vehicles not permitted access to site during public open times.

Any access gates used for vehicle or site pedestrian access MUST be closed and secured accordingly.

You must follow the instruction of security and Zoo staff when moving around the Zoo, or accessing areas.

Deliveries and Suppliers

  • Materials required for the installation or work are to be offloaded in the designated area.
  • Where materials or equipment are required to be carried into site / location by a vehicle, access is only permitted from the designated access route and time, which should be agreed with the Production Manager and the Zoo.
  • MEWP must adhere to 5mph onsite at all times and be manoeuvred/ escorted by a banksman.
  • Suppliers / contractors to nominate a banksman to assist with their vehicle movements on site, where necessary.

Section 3

Personal Safety

  • All staff and contractors as a minimum MUST suitable clothing during the construction and de rig phase of the project. High viz vests are NOT used on site at the zoo.
  • Persons lifting and or carrying must wear appropriate footwear, including steel toe capped shoes. No open toe shoes are permitted during these phases.
  • Hard hats must be worn whenever overhead work is being conducted, or as directed by the working at height SOP and the task risk assessment.
  • All other PPE must be worn that has been identified in your task risk assessment.
  • It is important that you only conduct the work activity that you have been contracted to perform on site.
  • Smoking will not be permitted in any place on site, except designated areas.
  • The Principal Contractor may undertake site safety inspections and audits.
  • Access-ways, means of escape, stairways and fire exits shall be kept free from obstruction at all times.
  • All prohibition signs and other warning signs shall be abided by at all times.
  • The riding on of site transport is only permitted for authorized personnel where correct seating is provided.
  • All element and build sites within the Zoo shall be kept clean at all times, with levels of noise and dust controlled within the limits specified by the HSE.
  • Hot works must be done under the jurisdiction of a hot works permit. A competent person shall inspect these work areas before the site is left for the evening. Hot work permits can be obtained from the Zoo and must be kept whilst live.
  • Breaking ground cannot take place without a permit being obtained by the Zoo.

A site survey must be completed, together with ground scanning by the authorised person on site.

  • Permits must be closed once the work is complete.
  • Suitable fire precautions, prevention and protection shall be in place where required (if above existing provisions).
  • Method statements or Statements of work is a requirement of the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974, and it is intended to provide both the client and the individuals that are carrying out the work, the necessary information to carry out the work in a safe way. It is essential that a copy of method statements are available on site/electronically for the inspection by all personnel.
  • It is the responsibility of the management to ensure that all operatives are fully aware of their role in the job which is outlined in the relevant Method Statement.
  • No Radios or music playing devices allowed on site
  • No shouting or swearing in any language allowed whilst on site
  • The use of alcohol and drugs is prohibited from the site.
  • Use of mobile phones is prohibited whilst driving or operation vehicles or machinery

Working at Height

  • All work at height must be planned and included within your task RAMS. All work at height must conform to the working at height SOP.
  • Ladders must be suitable for the activity being undertaken and should only be used for short duration tasks.
  • Ladders must be placed on a firm stable surface and must be footed. Ladders should extend to the correct height for the work being undertaken. You must NOT work on the top two rungs of any ladder.
  • Harnesses MUST be worn and secured (clipped on) for anyone working on live edges or as per the WAH SOP and risk assessment.
  • DO NOT use flight cases as access equipment.
  • Access towers must only be constructed by competent persons with the appropriate training, i.e. PASMA. You must show your competency / training record card to the production manager.

    Section 4

    Smoking, Hot Works and Fire

    Smoking is only permitted in designated areas. Vaping is classed the same as smoking and we ask all persons to smoke and vape in the designated area. All smoking paraphernalia is to be fully extinguished and placed in the smoking bins.

    Designated smoking areas are positioned around the site, please look for signage.

    The site has existing fire extinguishing equipment and fire points in place. Additional FFE will be positioned as required.

    Hot works are subject to a work permit. If you think you will need to conduct hot works (including, but not limited to; grinding, welding, soldering), then you must complete a permit request online at least 24 hours prior to the work to obtain a permit. Relevant fire fighting equipment must be available, with an allocated fire watch.

    Discovering a Fire:

    On discovering a fire:

    • Sound air horn/ nearest Zoo call point to notify the immediate area of a fire.
    • Alert security via radio if you have one.
    • On hearing the call all persons should make their work areas safe and make their way to the nearest fire assembly point, following the Zoo's emergency procedures.

    Wild Rumpus to confirm that all staff and sub contractors are accounted for

    All staff will have access to the Zoo's fire and emergency procedures, which are also included on site passes.

    • Chester Zoo to dial 999 and request fire service attendance (if applicable)
    • Wild Rumpus staff will sweep all working areas whilst evacuating the area.
    • All contractors, suppliers and HOD's to make a roll call of their employees onsite
    • Roll callers to feed back to the incident controller / Zoo that everyone is accounted for.
    • Owing to the size of the Zoo, it may be that a phased evacuation takes place. All staff and contractors of Wild Rumpus will follow all direction given from Zoo staff.
    • All vehicle movements inc. MEWP plant onsite is to stop during activation of the site evacuation plan.

    There are no plans for the use of flammable gases/ substances as part of the works.

    Any contractor needing to use flammable gases or substances must contact Wild Rumpus prior to being permitted into the Zoo.

    Section 5

    First Aid

    During the build phase, Wild Rumpus will be using the first aid provision from the Zoo.

    In addition, Wild Rumpus will have a first aid trained member of staff on site.

    For any Accident requiring first aid/ medical attention, you must:

    ●     Contact the first aider from the Zoo - 077995 240 153

    ●     First aider to administer treatment

    ●     First aider to log accident and report to the site manager.

    In the event of a serious injury/ fatality:

    • In the first instance contact the Zoo's first aider who will arrange for an ambulance if required.
    • Wild Rumpus or the contractor will allocate someone to accompany the ambulance if required and attend hospital.
    • Area to be cordoned off for investigation.
    • Incident to be escalated to the senior project management team and Zoo HS department.

    First aiders can be contacted in an emergency either via radio from the zoo, or Wild Rumpus first aider on their mobile

    Nearest Hospital

    The Countess Of Chester Health Park, Liverpool Rd, Chester CH2 1UL


    The following events are to be reported to Wild Rumpus and the Zoo's HS team:

    ●     Accidents

    ●     Near Miss

    ●     Breach of Security

    ●     Fire

    ●     Property Damage

    ●     Transport Incident

    Dependent on the severity of the incident will dictate the level of investigation:

    • Low risk - Site Manger to investigate and advise corrective actions within 1 week
    • Med risk - H&S to lead investigation - feedback findings and corrective measures within 2 weeks.
    • High risk - H&S and wider team to investigate, feedback finding and corrective measures within 1 month.

    Section 6

    Housekeeping and Welfare

    • Hand sanitisers are available at all key entry areas around the site. You MUST maintain good personal hygiene whilst on site.
    • Good housekeeping is to be practiced at all times, ensuring all work areas are kept clean and tidy so far as is reasonably practicable and must be tidied up at the end of day with all tools and equipment stored away safe and securely. Please ensure all waste / rubbish is disposed of correctly.
    • The site has a number of working restrooms close by.

    Section 7

    Structures and Rigging

    • Once structures have been completed, they MUST be signed off before they are live or accessed.
    • All structures will have appropriate ballast / anchorage in place. A wind and weather management plan in place and conditions are monitored by Wild Rumpus during build and live phases, with areas closed where necessary, owing to wind speeds (and any other weather types that could have an adverse effect on structure safety and stability).

    Section 8

    Animal Welfare

    Whilst working at the Zoo, all staff and contractors are reminded to be vigilant and considerate towards animals at the Zoo.

    Certain areas have limitations in place regarding noise and movement. All hammering must be done between 0900 - 1500.

    If you are notified of an animal escape, the following procedure must be followed:

    • Keep calm.
    • Get to a place of safety, such as a secure building.
    • Follow instructions and directions from Zoo staff.
    • Only return to work when the 'stand-down' is given.

    If you see an animal escape or out of its enclosure, you should:

    • Keep calm.
    • Get to a place of safety, such as a secure building.
    • Advise colleagues and other site staff to act similarly.
    • Report to Zoo Security Control (Mob: 07717794570) the following:

    Species (or description of animal if species not known)

    Location of animal.

    Number of animals.

    What the animals are doing

    • Security Control will convey this across CZ radio channels to the appropriate Zoo personnel who will attend the area/site immediately.
    • Follow instructions and directions from Zoo staff.
    • Only return to work when the ‘stand-down’ is given.

    Continue to Complete

    Now that you have read the induction

    Please follow the link below to confirm you have read and understood the information provided to you in this site induction.

    You will not be permitted to start work, unless you have completed the questions and signed this section

    Click the button below to complete the induction