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Health and Safety Induction

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Section 1


Welcome to the BAFTA CYMRU Awards 2024

It is the policy of BAFTA to promote the highest possible levels of health and safety so as to lead to the avoidance or reduction of risks to the health and safety of all persons who, may be affected by their business activities and to ensure compliance with all current UK H&S legislation

BAFTA management makes specific commitments to its staff and contractors with regards working safely, personal safety and being mindful of safety when managing all work activities that will take place at the ICC Wales.

BAFTA management considers that these issues are the responsibility of the Company’s management team and rank equally with those of finance, marketing, human resources and commercial issues.

Once you have read and understood the health & safety information herein, please follow the link at the end of the presentation to confirm that you have understood and will comply with the safety requirements. You will then receive a confirmation email.  A live list of persons completing the Site Safety Induction is held by the BAFTA event management team for the purpose of health and safety management.

This safety induction is provided by ESS Consultants, on behalf of the Principal Contractor, BAFTA and details the key safety information relevant to working on site, including site rules, emergency contact information and required PPE some of which is Mandatory

The Principal Contractor will ensure that all workers and contractors have received a site safety induction before going onto site

Site operational times during build and de-rig are between 0600hrs and 0330hrs. However, access times for event staff and contractors are detailed in the schedule below. If you require access outside of these times you must contact the Producer with at least 24 hours’ notice.

Contractor Risk Assessments and Method Statements (RAMS) must be submitted in advance of the work activity and be specific for the work taking place.

During the construction phase, all contractors are responsible for the safety management of their workers. In addition, the site activity will also be monitored by the Event Producer.

You MUST complete and sign this Site Safety Induction before you are permitted to work on the event. On arrvial you will be required to show your confirmation email to obtain your pass.

Section 2

ICC Wales

ICC Wales delivers ground breaking events for organisers and exhibitors.
Dedicated facilities for clients and production teams with direct loading for production and exhibition vehicles.
ICC - An innovative venue. World-class facilities. Fabulously designed.

Warm welcomes are exactly what you get when you visit Wales. We’re all about the people and we’re told that our warmth of hospitality at our conventions make this place somewhere really special to host an event.

Access from underground parking directly to atrium with 700 underground car parking spaces + Bag drop / luggage store and Cloakroom

How to get here

The venue is located at ICC, Wales.

Click the map above to view in what 3 words, or copy the below phrases into the W3W app.

Copy and paste into W3W app - ///backs.singer.pipe

Copy and paste into W3W app - ///backs.singer.pipe

Main site plan

Build Commence :
Sunday 20th October

0600 - Get-in and auditorium set up

0900 - Red Carpet set up (carpet lay, flowers install etc.)

1315 - Full staff briefing

1330 - Rehearsals begin

1700 - Red Carpet Opens

1900 - 2130 Main Ceremony

2359 - Auditorioum and Backstage Cleared

0130 - De-rig of Main Hall

0300 - Venue Clear

Section 3

Plant, MEWPS & Vehicles

If you intend to operate plant, MEWPS or vehicles you must ensure you are adhering to the site rules


  • All MEWPS entering the immediate working area MUST have a banksman supervising all movements.
  • If you are operating a MEWP, you must hold the relevant licence and have shared it with the event management team prior to arriving on site. You MUST also have a copy of the licence with you.
  • Any workers using MEWPS, or work that requires the use of a harness, must provide a task specific RAMS, together with a detailed Rescue Plan.

Vehicle Movements

  • If you are operating plant, you must hold the relevant licence and have shared it with the event management prior to arriving on site. You MUST also have a copy of the licence with you.
  • The on site speed limit is 5mph
  • All workers accessing ICC Wales must keep to the designated pedestrian and vehicular routes around the site.
  • Plant MUST be maneuvered/ escorted by a banksman.

Section 4

Key Contacts

Key Contacts

Director of BAFTA Cymru

Rebecca Hardy

Mobile +44 (0) 7974 148 456

Junior Event Producer

Sonia Dempster

Mobile +44 (0) 7599 593 036

Head of Events - BAFTA

Lucy Waller

Mobile +44 (0) 7841 392 852

Section 5

Personal Safety

All workers and contractors MUST obtain, read and comply with the control measures detailed in their own Company Risk Assessments and Method Statements.

  • All workers and contractors as a minimum MUST wear high visibility vests / clothing during the construction and de rig phase of the event. You should have your high- visibility vest available for use immediately and not packed onto the back of your truck. Vehicle and traffic movements will be occurring during these times.
  • Black Hi-Viz vests are not permitted.
  • Whilst operating on site safety footwear must be worn at all times
  • Hard hats must be worn whenever overhead work is being conducted, or as directed by the Event Producer / PM or your own Company Risk Assessment.
  • All other PPE must be worn that has been identified in your own Company Risk Assessment.
  • Any lifting should be well planned to avoid manual handling injuries.
  • It is important that you only conduct the work activity that you have been contracted to perform on site.
  • The use of alcohol and recreational drugs is strictly prohibited.
  • Smoking will not be permitted in any place on site, except designated areas. 
  • Access-ways, means of escape and stairways and fire exits shall be kept free from obstruction at all times.  
  • The access and egress routes shall be kept clean and free from spills, debris, and other matter at all times.
  • All ICC safety/prohibition signs and other warning signs shall be complied with at all times.
  • It is the responsibility of the Contractor to ensure that all workers are fully aware of their role in the job as outlined in their Company RAMS.
  • No radios or music playing devices allowed on site.  Please do not wear earbuds.
  • No shouting or swearing in any language allowed whilst on site.
  • Good housekeeping is to be practiced at all times, ensuring all work areas are kept clean and tidy as far as is reasonably practicable and must be tidied up at the end of day with all tools and equipment stored away safe and securely.  
  • Never leave any tools, materials or equipment in fire exit routes/doorways. 
  • Keep all aisles and gangways clear and safe from trip hazards.
  • Please ensure all waste / rubbish is disposed of correctly. 

Using Mobile Phones

Use of mobile phones is prohibited when:

  • Working at Height
  • Driving
  • Operating Plant
  • Using work equipment or machinery


Do not walk around the site whilst using a mobile phone. If you need to receive or make a phone call sit down!

Mental Health

The events and production industry is one that can include
long working hours, days, or weeks, often with times away from home, and can be a challenging and fast paced environment.

It is important as an industry, and as individuals that we manage
and address mental health for our own sake, and also for that of our colleagues.

Having good mental health is important, and having poor mental health should not discriminate an individual.

The past 24 months have been a challenge not only for our
industry, but also our mental health.

We have compiled a number of agencies and companies that are
available to help you, or your colleagues, especially if you are worried about someone.

Click on the button at the end of this section to access these links and agency contacts.

Ian or ‘Parky’ has kindly spoken out about his mental health, and how you can help yourself and others.

Ian also discusses some of the changes to look out for in yourself, or in your colleagues.

To watch Ian's short video, watch the video below or, click the button that follows this section and access his interview as well as links to support agencies on a separate tab in your browser, which includes Menopause support.

Additionally the NHS 111 helpline in England is now offering an increased and dedicated service for those whom may need mental health support, with a new team of specialists offering 24hr assistance.

This service has been running very successfully for some time now in both Scotland and in Wales.

Its still good to talk, and a helpline, can indeed become a lifeline

The link below will also be included in the confirmation email you will receive, once you complete this induction, so don't worry you can access these at anytime away from work if you lose this induction link.

Section 6

Working at Height

Work MUST be planned to avoid work at height where possible, use work equipment or other measures to prevent falls where you cannot avoid working at height and ensure that measures are in place to prevent falling objects.
  • All work at height must be planned and included within your Company RAMS.
  • Access Towers must be built correctly by competent individuals with correct level of training (i.e., PASMA) and must include handrails, toe boards and outriggers. Handrails must be the correct height.
  • Harnesses MUST be worn and secured (clipped on) for anyone working on live edges or as per your risk assessment. Your risk assessment must confirm whether you are using fall restraint or fall arrest as part of your working at height safety.
  • Any fall arrest arrangements MUST have a specific and suitable Rescue Plan in place.
  • Any live or leading edges must have adequate protection from falls. This should be detailed within your Company RAMS.
  • The Event Management Team MUST be informed if you wish to use any form of harness prior to your work commencing.
  • Ladders must be suitable for the activity being undertaken and should only be used for short duration tasks.
  • Ladders must be placed on a firm stable surface and must be footed. Ladders should extend to the correct height for the work being undertaken. You must NOT work on the top two rungs of any ladder.
  • DO NOT use flight cases as access equipment.

Section 7

Medical Provisions

BAFTA will have a designated first aid / medical provision for the whole event including build / break and live.

The venue also have first aid provisions in place.

In the first instance, please report any accident/incident requiring medical attention to the onsite medic or to the venue security for assistance. 

First Aid Kits will also be located in the Production Offices.

Accident/Incident Reporting


The following events are to be reported to the Event Management Team


  • Accidents
  • Incidents
  • Fire
  • Property Damage

A copy of the accident report QR code will be displayed around the venue, and is also shown below.

Section 8

Emergency Procedures


If an evacuation is necessary, you will hear an announcement broadcast over the Public address system, use the nearest available Emergency Exit route to the nearest Assembly Point. 

The Security and fire warden team will lead the evacuation.

Assembly Point

Assembly Point

On Discovery of a Fire

Raise the alarm using the nearest Fire Call Point.

Know when not to tackle a fire.

Use a fire extinguisher correctly and safely (if trained to do so).

Do not stop to collect personal belongings

Section 9


Please recognise that we are all experts in our workplace, and we are ideally placed to spot when something is amiss.

In this period of heightened alert, it is vital to remain vigilant, trust your instincts and report any suspicious behaviour to your Line Manager or the Event Safety management team immediately.

The event site has a 24 hr security presence.



  • to a place of safety
  • this is far better option than to surrender or negotiate
  • if there's nowhere to go, then...


  • It’s better to hide than to confront.
  • Remember to turn your phone to silent and turn off vibrate.
  • Barricade yourself in if you can.
  • Then finally and only when it is safe to do so…


Call 112/999 on an internal or mobile phone

What do the local police need to know?

  • Location – Where are the suspects?
  • Direction – Where did you last see the suspects?

Complete the induction

Now you have read the content, please click the button below to complete your induction questions and submission.